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Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction technique that promotes relaxation, and healing. Reiki is made up of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which means “life force energy.” Reiki is a spiritually guided practice where we use the life force energy that flows through and around us to bring us to a state of relaxation and healing. If our life force energy is low, our stress level increases, and we become susceptible to becoming sick. But, when our life force energy is high, we feel good about ourselves, and we feel healthy.  


We use Reiki to heal the whole person – mind, body, spirit, and soul. It is a safe alternative to managing pain, discomfort, and can be utilized in conjunction with other therapeutic approaches to alleviate distress and promote recovery.

Energy Healing

How is Reiki used in a session?

There is no physical touching in a Reiki session. Instead, the practitioner lays hands over the client to guide the life force energy to go where healing needs to go. Through guided meditation and relaxation techniques, the client can achieve reduced stress and begin to work towards healing their mind, body, spirit, and soul.   

Energy Healing
Reiki Treatment
Reiki Treatment

What is Karuna Reiki®?

The term Karuna is Sanskrit word used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zen which is translated to mean compassion or mercy. Through Karuna Reiki®, we guide divine healing energy to help the individual become restored with love and compassion.  

What is Holy Fire?

Holy Fire® Reiki was introduced by William Lee Rand at  The International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) in 2014 as a new form of Reiki.  Holy Fire® Reiki compliments the Usui Reiki style by incorporating higher levels of consciousness into the reiki session where the recipient feels the powerful and gentle healing energies. As the recipient receives the Holy Fire® Reiki sessions, they will begin to develop qualities of joy, peace, love, compassion, ability to forgive others, and themselves. Holy Fire ® Reiki healing is known to:

  • Work continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they arise.

  • Always respects the free will of each person.

  • Heal deeply and quickly without distress.

  • Release worry and replace it with a sense of safety.

  • Spontaneously provide guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.

  • Provide a deep and refined nurturing feeling of being loved.

  • Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.  

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